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辽宁大学经济学前沿高端讲座第六十二讲 Double-blind Review and Academic Fairness: Evidence from Alumni Connections in China

2024-09-03  点击:[]

主讲人:李天舒 助理教授(西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院)

主持人:许睿 助理教授(辽宁大学中国经济研究院)

嘉宾介绍:马湘君 教授(辽宁大学中国经济研究院)

时间:2024年9月13日(周五)  14:00-15:30(北京时间)




摘要: Editorial favoritism in academic journals distorts the allocation of academic resources and reduces knowledge productivity. This paper uses China’s CSSCI publication data of “Project-211” universities from 2000 to 2019, and adopts double- and triple-differences methodologies to identify the impact of adopting double-blind review on the publication of articles with alumni connections to journals' editors-in-chief. We find that the reform effectively reduces the number of such publications and improves the impact factors of journals. The reform is effective only for journals that do not charge for publication fees, academically specialized, and with editors-in-chief holding doctoral degrees, and also has effectively improved the quality of manuscripts published.

主讲人简介: 李天舒,西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院助理教授,沈阳人。东北育才学校高中毕业后,在日本东京大学获得经济学学士和硕士学位,美国弗吉尼亚大学获经济学博士学位,之后在达顿商学院从事水资源领域跨学科项目的博士后研究。他的研究包括水权交易、水质管理、植树造林、碳排放、空气污染,和扶贫政策等课题,并参与多项美国国家科学基金项目。研究成果在诸多经济学和环境科学领域跨学科的国际期刊上发表,包括Nature Sustainability (IF: 16.22)Water Resources Research (IF: 4.6)Environmental Research Letters (IF: 6.95)Advances in Water Resources (IF: 5.36)World Bank Economic ReviewLand EconomicsChina Economic Review等。


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