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辽宁大学经济学前沿高端讲座第四十八讲 Disrupted Food Access and Social Unrest: Evidence from Russia-Ukraine conflict

2024-04-17  点击:[]




时间:2024年4月24日(周三) 10:30-12:00(北京时间)




摘要: The study examines how the Russia-Ukraine conflict's disruption of food access affected social unrest in countries that heavily rely on wheat imports from Ukraine from March 2021 to February 2023. Using a Difference-in-Differences (DID) approach, we compared nations highly dependent on Ukrainian wheat imports with those less reliant to assess causality. The results show a significant increase in internal protests, with high-dependence countries experiencing a 22.95% surge in protests post-invasion. Specifically, cost of living, food access and government dissatisfaction played a significant role in driving this increase. Moreover, it is more pronounced in poorer nations, those with weaker government stability, proximity to Ukraine, and substantial currency depreciation. These findings highlight the need to address food access issues to curb social unrest.

主讲人简介:林发勤,江苏省海安市人,经济学双博士,教育部青年长江学者(2020-2023),中国农业大学经济管理学院教授、博士生导师、农产品国际贸易研究中心主任,担任China Economic Review副主编和特刊主编,已经JIE,JDE,EER,JEBO,JCE,《经济研究》,《管理世界》等发表论文百余篇,社科重大项目首席专家和自然科学基金国际合作重点项目首席专家,自科面上项目结项后评估获“特优”鉴定,研究报告曾获得国家领导人批示。


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