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李安民经济研究院政策讲座系列 AI in Finance: The Current Status and Future Directions

2024-04-08  点击:[]




时间:2024年4月12日(周五)  9:30-11:00(北京时间)




摘要:In the rapidly evolving field of finance, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a pioneering driver reshaping operations and strategies. This research paper investigates the AI applications in finance. Leveraging extensive analysis of AI's utilization, data management, and human involvement, this study examines the effectiveness and impact of AI models on financial systems. Through the exploration of AI algorithms and learning mechanisms, the paper highlights examples of AI implementation and their effects on financial performance. Furthermore, it illustrates the implications of AI on employee roles and work dynamics within financial institutions. The study evaluates the AI models in finance, considering their long-term effects and potential challenges. By depicting the current status and proposing future directions, this paper contributes to an understanding of AI's role in ensuring the sustainability of financial systems.



吕阳,美国欧道明大学决策科学与工程博士,北京工商大学教授。担任Financial Innovation等多家国际期刊专刊编委及国际学术期刊评审,IEEE高级会员。主要研究方向为区块链与其应用(新兴技术的决策与管理)、量子金融(新兴技术的决策与管理)、AI人工智能的可持续发展(新兴技术的决策与管理)、博弈论与云定价(信息系统与经济学)、物联网安全,工业4.0及应用(工业工程)。近年来在 Elsevier、IEEE、Taylor & Francis 和 World Scientific 等主要出版商的参考期刊发表多篇学术论文,其中七篇 ESI 高被引论文。


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