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辽宁大学经济学前沿高端讲座第三十讲 Nonlinear Spillover Effects of US Financial Uncertainty

2023-10-16  点击:[]




时间:20231020日(周五)  1400-1530(北京时间)




摘要: We show that US financial uncertainty has nonlinear spillover effects on the conditional distribution of forecasted GDP growth worldwide. This nonlinearity stems from asymmetric responses of domestic and international credit conditions following a US financial uncertainty shock. Through the international credit channel, market participants’ pessimistic expectations regarding future economic conditions amplify the tightening effect of US financial uncertainty on credit conditions considerably, leading to a severe global economic slowdown. Moving beyond the conventional paradigm to examine the central tendency of the projection, we show that US financial uncertainty has nonlinear spillover effects on the entire conditional distribution based on a panel of 30 economies over nearly three decades. In times of pessimism, a rise in US financial uncertainty shifts the entire conditional distribution to the left, causing future economic growth to worsen. In times of optimism, heightened US financial uncertainty stretches out the conditional distribution but only lowers the conditional median mildly, implying an increasingly uncertain future.


黄宇凡,首都经济贸易大学国际经济管理学院副教授与博导,2013年毕业于美国西雅图华盛顿大学,获经济学博士学位。黄宇凡老师着重研究实证宏观经济学、非线性时间序列和贝叶斯方法,研究成果丰硕,文章刊登在Journal of Money, Credit & Banking,International Journal of Forecasting和Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics等国际著名期刊。黄老师于2018至2021年间主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目,并将于2024至2028年间主持一项国家自然科学基金面上项目。黄老师的研究课题包含(1)不对称的趋势周期分解是否可以解释通货膨胀率的不解之谜;(2)随机边界模型的时序特性,特别关注偏正态分布的面板数据模型;(3)不对称的状态空间模型的贝叶斯估计法之有效性;(4)衰退后的复苏模式。黄老师的另一个研究重点是经济体系和金融变量的关系,课题包括(1)信用利差和期限利差的冲击对产出长期趋势的影响;(2)利用股票波动性预测经济周期的拐点。黄老师目前在研的议题相当多,其中最具有实际政策与经济涵义的是不确定性与经济周期的交互影响。


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