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2022-05-25  点击:[]

讲座时间:2022年5月27日 14:00-15:30

讲座地点: 腾讯会议 603 479 679


讲座题目:Stay-at-Home Peer Mothers and Gender Norm:Randomization Evidence in China

讲座简介:Social connections aid cultural transmission. We show that labor force non-participation of peer mothers strengthens the gender identity of girls through information spillover. We utilize classroom randomization in China’s middle schools and find that increased exposure to stay-at-home peer mothers significantly reduces a girl’s performance in mathematics. We argue that the exposure cultivates gendered attitudes toward mathematics and STEM professions and then reduces the math scores. The influence increases with network density and decreases with the quality of the parent-child relationship. As falsifications against unobserved confounding factors, we do not see spillover on boys in non-STEM subjects nor from stay-at-home peer fathers.

主讲人介绍:Guanghua Wang is an assistant professor at Nanjing Audit University. He graduated from Clemson University with a Ph.D. in Economics in 2019. His research area lies in labor economics. His current research includes the effects of personalities on labor market outcomes, youth job search, effects of peers’ parents on educational outcomes, employee voice, and trade unions.


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