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论文:Does paid family leave save infant lives? Evidence from California's paid family leave program - 作者:Feng Chen

2023-04-18  点击:[]

论文标题:Does paid family leave save infant lives? Evidence from California's paid family leave program

发表时间:05 October 2022网上发表,April 2023正式见刊

论文所有作者:Feng Chen

期刊名及所属分类:Contemporary Economic Policy, SSCI, 辽宁大学经济研究院经济学B类期刊

英文摘要:Paid family leave (PFL) aims to help working parents balance their careers and family responsibilities while also improving the well-being of infants. Using linked U.S. birth and infant death data with a difference-in-differences framework, I find that a 6-week PFL in California reduced the post-neonatal mortality rate by 0.135- that is, it saved approximately 339 infant lives. There were fewer deaths from health-related causes and larger effects for infants with married mothers and for infant boys. Additional checks and placebo examinations indicate that the observed effect is not due to contemporaneous shocks but rather is causal.

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