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论文:How High-speed Rail Reduces Haze Pollution in China——作者:Shujie Yao, Xuanyue Zhang, Fan Zhang (*)

2022-09-21  点击:[]

论文标题:How High-speed Rail Reduces Haze Pollution in China

发表时间:2022.09 ,被接待发

论文所有作者:Shujie Yao, Xuanyue Zhang, Fan Zhang (*)

期刊名及所属分类:Applied Economic Letters

英文摘要:This paper examines the effect of high-speed rail (HSR) on haze pollution using a panel dataset covering 276 Chinese cities in 2010-2019 using the GS2SLS approach. It is found that HSR accessibility can significantly reduce haze pollution in China, which has important policy implications on HSR development.

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