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论文:Building an Open and Stable Capital Market: A Supervision Intensity Perspective——作者:Fu Fanjie, Alan Collins, Yao Shujie (*)

2022-09-21  点击:[]

论文标题:Building an Open and Stable Capital Market: A Supervision Intensity Perspective

发表时间:2022.09 ,接受待发

论文所有作者:Fu Fanjie, Alan Collins, Yao Shujie (*)

期刊名及所属分类:Journal of Asia-pacific Economy

英文摘要:This paper investigates the impact of supervision intensity on stock price crash risk (SPCR) in China. A firm's decision to hide bad news lies in the trade-off between the benefits of violation and the costs of being punished by government regulations. Our research findings reveal an inverted U-shaped relationship between SPCR and supervision intensity. Institutional shareholding strengthens the inverted U-shaped relationship between supervision intensity and SPCR through the mediating effect. This inverted U-shaped relationship is even more sensitive in low transparency firms. Better local market environment and external auditing seemingly enhance supervision effectiveness, and hence mitigate SPCR. This paper also discusses the supervision of other developed countries, such as the USA, Japan, and the UK, as well as other historical evidence to further inform the design of open and stable capital markets, particularly in the Chinese context.

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