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2022-03-01  点击:[]

Y oonba ai i Kim m博士(金润培)是美国肯塔基大学的经济学终身教授,辽宁大学特聘教授。他出生于韩国,本科毕业于首尔大学(Seoul National University),曾就职于韩国央行,后赴美深造,毕业于美国斯坦福大学,获得经济学博士学位。他教研经历丰富,曾在新加坡国立大学、韩国高丽大学和美国南伊利诺伊大学等多所著名高校任教。近几年,他多次访问中国高校,包括浙江大学、吉林大学、辽宁大学、首都经济贸易大学及中国矿业大学等。他的主要研究方向是国际金融和开放宏观,包括经常账户的调节、汇率的形成以及国际资本流动等问题。他发表有高质量的论文50多篇,包括《Review of Economics and Statistics》 ,《Journal of Money,Credit and Banking》,《Journal of International Money and Finance》,《Journal of Business and Economic Statistics》,《Economics Letters》,《Journal of ComparativeEconomics》,《Review of International Economics》,《World Development》,《International Review of Economics and Finance》,《Review of Development Economics》 等著名期刊。他是多个知名杂志的编委成员,曾担任韩国留美经济学会的会长。

Dr. Yoonbai Kim is a full professor in Economics at the University of Kentucky(Lexington, Kentucky, USA) and a professor at the Advanced Institute of Finance and Economics in Liaoning University in China. His research is focused on empirical study of various issues in international macroeconomics such as current account adjustment, exchange rate determination, and causes and effects of international capital movement. He has published in Review of Economics and Statistics , Journal of Money, Credit and Banking , Journal of International Money and Finance , World Development , among others. He is on the editorial board of several internationally recognized academic journals. He was also the president of the Korean-American Economic Association. Dr. Kim regularly teaches courses in international finance and macroeconomics at both graduate and undergraduate levels. He has also taught in various other countries such as Singapore (National University of Singapore), Korea (Korea University, Sogang University), the United Arab Emirates (American University of Sharjah), China (Xi’an Jiaotong University, Capital University of Business and Finance), and Kazakhstan (Nazarbayev University). He has supervised more than 10 Ph.D. students, who are now active in teaching and research.

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