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第四届东北亚区域合作发展和金融创新国际学术会议征文通知 (Call for papers)

2023-03-28  点击:[]

第四届东北亚区域合作发展和金融创新国际学术会议将于6月3日在辽宁大学举办,诚邀广大经济学者投稿。本届会议由李安民经济研究院主办,经济学院和国际经济政治学院协办。会议将邀请国内外知名专家、中青年学者、核心期刊编辑进行论文点评,并将在《Digital Economy and Sustainable Development》杂志出版特刊,进行论文点评,期待全国各地经济学者积极参与讨论。





















后续会议组织及《Digital Economy and Sustainable Development》选稿等事宜,将在辽宁大学李安民经济研究院的网站上及时公布。




 2023.06.10–2023.09.01: Digital Economy and Sustainable Development专刊投稿








Call for papers

About the Conference

The 4th International Symposium on Regional Integration and Financial Development in Northeast Asia will be held in Liaoning University (LNU) on June 3rd (Saturday), 2023, hosted by Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research (LIER) at Liaoning University, co-hosted by School of Economics and School of International Economics and International Relations.The conference will invite well-known experts at home and abroad, young and middle-aged scholars, and editors of core journals to comment on your papers, and publish a special issue on Digital Economy and Sustainable Development journal. We hope economists from all over the country can actively participate in the discussion.


The economic growth and cooperation of countries in Northeast Asia are still advancing, but the situation of it presenting challenges and opportunities is more and more urgent. Maintaining peace, building mutual trust, strengthening cooperation and promoting development are major and urgent tasks for all countries in the region. The 4th International Symposium on Regional Integration and Financial Development is aimed to promote the research of scholars from all countries on high-quality regional Integration and financial development in Northeast Asia, and enhance the exchanges and cooperation between domestic and foreign scholars in related research fields.


Research topics

We welcome both theoretical and empirical research papers related but not limited to the following topics:

1、Regional integration in Northeast Asia

2、Regional sustainable development

3、New models of digital economy and financial development

4、The impact of digital economy and financial development on regional integration

5、The impact of digital economy and financial development on regional sustainable development



It is planned on June 3rd, online or offline participation will be flexibly adjusted according to the specific situation. Please pay more attention to Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research website.

Paper Review

This conference is only accepted in English, and about 20 papers are selected according to the topic classification (the final submission is determined according to the number of contributions) for communication. The final list of selected papers will be published by May 26,2023.

There is no registration fee. We will provide meals for all presenters, and the participants should be responsible for their transportation and accommodation expenses.Welcome to contribute and participate the workshop.



Please submit the full paper to desd@lnu.edu.cn before 19 May, 2023 (CST - China Standard Time). In your email, please use “The 4th International Symposium on Regional Integration and Financial Development in Northeast Asia at LNU-LIER +presenter name” as the title, and please indicate whether you could attend the conference in person upon acceptance. The attached manuscript document should be named by “presenter name + the title of your paper”. In the first page of manuscript, please list all the authors and the contacting information (name, working place, duty and professional title, phone number, e-mail and so on). All manuscripts must be in English, original, and must not be previously published.

The follow-up workshop organization and the selection of Digital Economy and Sustainable Development will be published on the website of Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research.


Scheduled dates

2023.06.03: The 4th International Symposium on Regional Integration and Financial Development in Northeast Asia

2023.06.10–2023.09.01: Paper submission

2024.09.08–2024.03.03: Reviewing process and revision submission


Workshop Contact:Ms. Sun






 Li Anmin Institute of Economic Research








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