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2019-04-22  点击:[]


题目:An Evaluation of Effects of Global Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Regulation on Sustainable Development over 2000-2014 period

报告时间:2019418日(周1330 pm




摘要:In this paper, I evaluate the impacts of global CSR reporting regulation on sustainable development. Three indicators are selected for sustainable development: energy intensity, CO2emissions and PM2.5pollution level. I find that there is a positive long-run Granger causality from 3-year lag of environmental CSR policies to energy intensity. No significant result is found for CSR policies on CO2emissions. However, both current year general sustainability CSR policies and 3-year lag of environmental CSR policies have significant negative impacts on PM2.5. And 3-year lag of environmental CSR policies also has a significant negative impact on PM2.5. Besides, I also identify some other important factors related with energy efficiency, CO2emissions and PM2.5pollution. At the end of each chapter, policy implications and suggestions are provided.

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